Battery Status

Battery status is a Web API that's available only on chrome because it was deprecated on Firefox. It exposes useful information about the device battery status, like if it is currently charging and the current charge level.


You can use the useBatteryStatus function to gain access to the battery information:

import { useBatteryStatus } from 'vue-adaptive-utils';

export default {
  setup() {
    const info = useBatteryStatus();

The useBatteryStatus returns the following properties and methods:


The Ref Type column represents the underlying exposed type of the refs. All the exposed Refs are read-only.

Prop Ref Type Fallback Value Description
isCharging boolean false Wether the device is currently charging or not.
chargingTime number 0 The time the device needs to be fully charged in seconds, 0 means its fully charged.
dischargingTime number 0 The time the device has left to be drained and about to shutdown.
level number 1 A number between 0 and 1 to represent the current charge level.
isSupported boolean false If the API is supported on this device.